Monday, March 12, 2012

Truth is... 2 year olds DON'T get Daylight Savings Time.

Daylight Savings Time Switch... that biannual time of the year that parents of young children loathe. I totally get the great part about having more daylight and blah bitty blah, and two months from now when my children are enjoying the light outside until 8 p.m. to play it's going to be wonderful, but for right now... I pretty much hate it with a passion. 

You see, my two year old does NOT get daylight savings. Take the combination of dietary issues, normal terrible twoness, and daylight savings time transition and you have a meltdown of Chernobyl proportions at our house... At dinner of course. You know the deal... I don't know what I don't want but I'm sure that I wanted what you offered me before except now I don't want it. If you haven't experienced this yet then simply visit the home of a toddler around the DST switch...or visit any grocery store or public establishment and look for the lady that looks a little crazy around the eyes and like she probably hasn't brushed her hair in a couple of days. In fact, find one of these frazzled ladies any time in the next month and whisper the words "daylight savings time" near her and watch the involuntary twitches begin. The time of year induces it's own special kind of trauma. Even my five year old looked like a zombie on the soccer field  at practice today - literally - I think she was sleeping standing up! 

The real true face of Daylight Savings Time...

You know the real kicker to me? Being the nerd that I am I had to look it up to see what kind of person would come up with such a terrible idea (as it clearly was NOT the parent of a toddler). Most people - myself included - may have thought that it was Benjamin Franklin, but the great resource of wikipedia has told me that it was in fact a man named George Vernon Hudson in 1895. Mr. Hudson was an entomologist in his spare time and wanted more time after work to look for bugs - so he proposed the modern idea of DST and here we are... All of THIS so you can look for some more BUGS?!? I love science and all but really?!? The entire Western (toddler and young child) hemisphere is currently undergoing serious transition issues right now 'cause a guy wanted more time to search for bugs. Mr. Hudson... I'm not a fan. 

The storm has passed for now and it seems like all will be asleep VERY soon... 'til next time dear readers (unless you see me in public... just look for the frazzled twitchy lady... that's me). 


  1. Poor little boy!!! I can't imagine feeling like his face looks! LOL

  2. Hahha, LOVE it!! This is how I felt afterwards too. I love even more that you captured it so well- proof is in the pudding! :)
