Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Truth is - getting fit ain't pretty!

So... I am in the process of getting fitter and trying to get rid of some of the "excess" that I packed on during the last few years. Truth is someone asking you when you are due and the answer being two years ago is NOT fun (uhm..hmm... not that that has ever happened to me...). I wanted to lose some weight, but my main goal is that I've got to be in better health. I want to be around for my kids - and grandkids - and maybe I'll be blessed enough to be around for my great-grandkids to bounce around on my knee. 

So I'm getting fit - and the truth is - it ain't pretty. I'm a sweaty yucky grunty stinky mess in the gym... for real! So why is it that I open the magazines and I see these great pictures of perfectly coiffed, ridiculously happy people who are supposedly mid-workout?!? 

You won't find me smiling like this while I'm working out... 
(except for when my trainer is cracking me up and making me laugh...but I STILL don't look this happy...)

I don't even have this "pretty" intense look...
(or those abs)

This is more me 
(although it isn't me but I think you get the point)

   So... there I am - grunting and sweating and thinking evil thoughts about my harmlessly nice, perpetually positive, and constantly encouraging trainer. And it ain't pretty. And no matter how hard I work I have to remind myself that the stars on the front of the magazines look that way because they have teams of stylists, nannies, trainers, chefs, and tons of time to spend in the gym (plus a whole lot of airbrushing). And the people from the magazines are posing... NOT working out. 

Truth is... I WANT to be lazy. I WANT to eat a hamburger and french fries. Oh my goodness... If you had an Oreo Blizzard in your hand I might knock you down and take it... BUT the real truth is that I want my future more. 

So for now I'll keep going to the gym and sweating like a pig and grunting like one of those crazy people and shooting poor Rob daggers as I trail behind his 6'8" self all over the gym (and I do KNOW what a great luxury having a trainer is...we'll save that for another post), because those are the choices that last far beyond that delicious creamy bite of Oreo Blizzard (so delicious...*tear*).  
Yeah... something like that...

So if you are waiting to go to the gym because you're afraid of how you'll look, don't be. Fortunately most of the other people there look like me too and nothing like the magazines. The folks at my gym have made me more confident in my sweaty grunty self. And don't be afraid to go for the strength training section just because you are a girl. There have been so many benefits just from those workouts that I've seen already and I'm no where near the end of my journey (hello toned butt... I've missed you...). In girl terms - I put on a pair of jeans today... wait for it... straight OUT OF THE DRYER! That's right... without all that crazy "stretching" that you have do to get them on and avoid that "donelap" - where your belly done lap over your pants - wait... that's just me?!? Awkward! Anywhoo... get out there and get going... or don't... but don't expect it to be pretty....  

And if you see me in public, I don't mind... you can pretend like you don't know me!  :)  

1 comment:

  1. I am soo, soo proud of you!! You CAN do it & are looking' good, girl!!
